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Stepping up our Sustainability Actions at Elos Medtech

Today, there are ongoing discussions about the need to achieve sustainable development in the world. Elos Medtech is a company with high awareness about the global environment and a commitment to contributing to a more sustainable future. We have been working with Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) for a long time, but recently, we established a workgroup to step up our sustainability activities and environmental focus. This new initiative is called “Energizing Sustainability” at Elos Medtech.

Establishing the “Energizing Sustainability” workgroup

The name “Energizing Sustainability” reflects the high importance of sustainability and a new drive into the area. We have established a workgroup to set the scope and main activities. The workgroup will be expanded by topic experts from all parts of our organization whom will be involved and contribute to the new sustainability initiative at Elos Medtech.

What does sustainability mean to Elos Medtech?

Sustainability can be described in several dimensions such as ecological, economic and social sustainability. These three dimensions are all considered in our business and operational processes at Elos Medtech. Our current CSR will be further developed within these areas. We believe efficient processes intended to create customer value, also contributes to minimizing waste. Customer-oriented business development helps to create financially sustainable organizations. Job satisfaction, commitment, and motivation are positively affected when employees are involved in, and  actively working with, sustainability on various levels in the organization. All these aspects are strongly linked to quality focus in everything we do and continuous improvements.

Sustainability is our guiding principle for every decision we make

As an international organization, we are aware of the need for sustainability focus and the many benefits that follow. Our performance in relation to the society, in which we operate, as well as our impact on the environment, are critical parts of measuring our overall performance in continuing to operate efficiently. We operate in a manner that meets – or exceeds – the ethical, legal, commercial and public expectations placed on our business operations. Sustainability is our guiding principle for every decision we make, in every area of our business.

A new sustainability report initiated by the European Commission

Reporting on non-financial information issues including risk management and sustainability has gained in importance over the years. An updated European Commission directive regarding reporting of non-financial information for listed companies is expected to enter into force December 2016. The requirement states that an annual Sustainability Report shall be issued with start 2017. This is applicable for Elos Medtech since our corporate governance is based on Swedish legislation for listed companies.

Stepping up our sustainability actions through this new initiative is both exciting and a challenge for us. But moreover, it is a contribution to a sustainable world and, hopefully, our customers are as dedicated as we are to this commitment.

This is only one step in our long-term sustainability strategy. We will be posting more blog articles on our sustainability actions ahead, how sustainability is connected to our business as well as the medtech industry in general. Keep an eye out on our Knowledge Blog! In the meantime, also visit Elos Medtech’s website for more info about our current CSR and what we aim to do.